Adding to a Collection



Kind of Complicated But:

I have a collection of areas of type areaClass. The areaClass has a
collection of points of type PolyPoint as a property. I am trying to add
points to certain objects in the areaClass which can only be identified by
their key property. As you can see from the following code that there can be
multiple objects of quad1. I am trying to add points pts1.x and pts1.y to
quad1 key "1". If it is possible to add per a reference number that would be
fine also I just need to keep track of which points are applied to which

I appreciate any help on this!!

Dim tri1 As New AreaClass
tri1.Shape = tri
tri1.Key = CStr(areakeynum)
areas.Add tri1.Shape, tri1.Key
areakeynum = areakeynum + 1

For i = 1 To TierNum - 1
If i = 0 Then
i = 1
End If

Dim quad1 As New AreaClass
quad1.Shape = quad
quad1.Key = CStr(areakeynum)
'Quantity of Identical roof areas includes
the area just created
quad1.QuantityIdentical = 4
quad1.QuantityMirror = 0
areas.Add quad1.Shape, quad1.Key
areakeynum = areakeynum + 1
Next i

For j = 1 To TierNum

TierScale = Sheets("Defaults").Cells(223 +
TierNum, 2 + j).Value
rad = radius * TierScale

For i = 3 * sideNum * j - (3 * sideNum - 1)
To 3 * sideNum * j - 2 Step 3
wsPlot.Cells(i, 1).Value = 0
wsPlot.Cells(i, 2).Value = 0
Next i

z = sideNum * (j - 1)

For i = 3 * sideNum * j - (3 * sideNum - 2)
To 3 * sideNum * j - 1 Step 3
wsPlot.Cells(i, 1).Value = rad * Cos(0.5
* (i + z) * theta)
wsPlot.Cells(i, 2).Value = rad * Sin(0.5
* (i + z) * theta)
wsPlot.Cells(i + 1, 1).Value = rad *
Cos((0.5 * (i + z) + 2) * theta)
wsPlot.Cells(i + 1, 2).Value = rad *
Sin((0.5 * (i + z) + 2) * theta)

If TierNum > 1 Then

For P = 1 To 4

If i = 3 * sideNum * j - (3 *
sideNum - 2) Then

Dim pts1 As New PolyPoint
pts1.x = rad * Sin(0.5 * (i
+ z) * theta)
pts1.y = 0
pts1.Key = P
'>>>>>>>>>>PROBLEM AREA<<<<<<<<<<<<

End If

Next P

End If

z = z + 1

Next i

Next j

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