Adjust Work Based on Skill Level



I've see a macro (???) that would adjust work for a task based on the skill
level of the resource that was ultimately assigned the task. Estimated work
was based on a "typical" resource with the required skill. The adjustment was
based on a custom resource field that indicated the skill level of the

Now that I need it, I can't find it :)

Anybody remember this one?



This is a really nice site. But it didn't have what Robert was asking about
(Something I would love to see too). Any other suggestions??

Jan De Messemaeker


Try the following macro.
Attention, depending on task type and effort driven there is an effect on
task duration but I hope you know all that.
Put "standard" work (in hrs) in the number 1 field of the assignment
(assignment lines are the detail lines in a Usage view), and the correction
factor in the number1 field of the resource:

Sub Skillwork
dim job as task
Dim ass as assignment
dim slave as resource
for each job in activeproject.tasks
if not job is nothing then
for each ass in job.assignments
set slave=activeproject.resources(ass.resourceid)*60*slave.number1
next ass
end if
next job
end sub


Mark Durrenberger

Nice code but poor choice of variable names :)

"ass" is the vulgar equivalent to derrier and "Slave" - well we are all
slaves to something or someone and don't like to be reminded...


Mark Durrenberger, PMP
Principal, Oak Associates, Inc,
"Advancing the Theory and Practice of Project Management"

The nicest thing about NOT planning is that failure
comes as a complete surprise and is not preceded by
a period of worry and depression.

- Sir John Harvey-Jones

Jan De Messemaeker

Hi Mark,

First, I have been working for nearly 30 years for an American company where
CYA was a much-used expression and where I have been called smartass at
least 20 times (by well-educated Americans!) so I know which other meaning
than "donkey" the word has;

Second, at least in most European countries, using words out of their normal
context is considered humorous (in fact, the example my teacher once used to
illustrate what humour could be implied using an equivalent word in a solemn

I probably know far too little about the American culture - I should have
remembered that the childish, not even daring Janet Jackson action was
considered a serious thing.
I shall keep my humour attempts for the European (Fr and Dutch) NGs where I
post - I often get enthousiastic reactions there.


Steve House

I with you Jan - I'm getting damned fed-up with political correctness where
anything that might offend someone somewhere no matter how silly their
taking offense becomes prohibited speech in public. Who gave those who are
so sensitive as to be offended by innocuous words such as "ass" the right to
make the rules for society at large? I for one am tired of living in a
world re-writ into an image of Disney Family Values where anything not
suitable for a 9 year old is censured for all. How about those of us with
imaginations, humor, a taste for the gently ribald, and a bit of joie de
vivre take charge of the culture for a change. Guess I'm an unrepentant
60's Berkeley Free Speech Movement hippy at heart but I say let those who
are offended by develop thicker skins and learn to get over it. Keep up
your humour in English as well.
Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer/Consultant
Visit for the FAQs

Mark Durrenberger

Sorry Jan, As you have probably read many of my posts I "ass"u"me"d that my
response would be taken lightly (afterall, look at the quote in my footer -
it is quite cynical in nature and I do enjoy this and most types of

While my "Ass" comment comes across as serious (more so than I intended -
damn the written word and it's possibility for emotional misinterpretation)
my "Slave" comment was humorous (we are all slaves to something but don't
like to be reminded)

I'll try to be funnier next time :)

Also another quote for you:

Carson's Consolation:
No project is a complete failure. It can always be used as a bad example.

Mark Durrenberger, PMP
Principal, Oak Associates, Inc,
"Advancing the Theory and Practice of Project Management"

The nicest thing about NOT planning is that failure
comes as a complete surprise and is not preceded by
a period of worry and depression.

- Sir John Harvey-Jones


snip --
I shall keep my humour attempts for the European (Fr and Dutch) NGs where I
post - I often get enthousiastic reactions there.

Jan De Messemaeker

Hi Steve,

I am so touched with this that I litterally have tears through my eyes.
Thanks, Thanks, Thanks.

John Sitka

I was describing a naming convention for a parametric CAD package.
As part of the example; human names were used to empasize that a portion
of the naming convention had no significicance to the uniqueness and
of a certain parameter. This portion of the name could be exploited in a
"friendly" manner, truely meaningful only to the original designer
while the rest of the name was universally direct and progammatically
When it came time to summarise and win allies in adoption of the standard.
I demoed the benefits by quickly identifying and editing CAD entities
like 'radius' Bob, 'offset' Jim or 'swept face' Jane etc. morphing the
design in the process. It was an effective fun approach and the final
challange was
"Well what about the drilling operation?"
"Simple" I said "Just find the hole named Jill".

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