ADO - Possibilty of Conflicts on Cursortype and LockType


Peter Perception

Let's make things simple. I have to make a database, access by multiple
users at the same time. I want to avoid confilcts when some user are
accessing the same record.
The first I did was making one front-end 'frame.mdb' with the forms and the
VBA-code and one back-end 'tables.Mdb' with the linked tables, wich consts
of pne table (tblNames") having two fields: the ID or KEY (autonum) and the
name Field.
I open an ADO Recordset based on my current projectconnection.
So things look a bit like this:
dim rst1 as ADODB.Recordset 'provate for variabel for the whole module
sub rst_open
set rst1 = new ADODB.Recordset
rst1.Cursortype = adOPendynamic
rst1.LockType = adLockPessimistic
rst1.Open "tblNames", currentproject.connection
end sub
Starting from this a I made some buttons with and linket them with
click_event to the methods 'movenext' 'moveprevious' an 'update'. I made two
frames (frame1Mde and frame2.mde) out of the same frame.mdb. The two frames
were linked to the same database.
So I tested by running the two frames ad the same time. Till now, I've got
no access conflicts, but I'm quite not sure, if that will stay the same when
20 users are donig the same thing as I did at the same time. Is there one
experienced quy who can saveme from this uncertainty with some tips and

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