ADO Update Fails w/o Error


Jim Jawn

Okay, here's the problem, I have a function that transfers data from one
table to another using ADO. When I step through the code, everything looks
hunky dory. I have no problems with .Update method and I even get the ID
number of the record that was just inserted. The data, however does not
show up in the table after this function executes. What's even weirder is
that the other tables that I use in this function insert fine using the same
exact objects! I'm pretty perplexed as to why this might be happening.
Sorry for the long code, but does anyone with a flashlight around?
Pre-emptive thanks, Jim Jawn.

Public Function TransferProspects(ByVal lPID As Long) As Long

Dim lCEID As Long 'CEID
Dim sSQLp As String 'Prospect
Dim sSQLc As String 'CE
Dim sSQLla As String 'Language

Dim oRsp As ADODB.Recordset
Dim oRsc As ADODB.Recordset
Dim oRsla As ADODB.Recordset
Dim oConn As ADODB.Connection

'Set SQL statements to Get
sSQLp = "SELECT * FROM tblProspects p WHERE p.PID = " & lPID
sSQLc = "tblCE"
sSQLla = "SELECT * FROM tblProspectJoinLanguage la WHERE la.PID = " &

'Now Set & Use the ADO objects
Set oConn = New ADODB.Connection
Set oRsp = New ADODB.Recordset
Set oRsla = New ADODB.Recordset

'Now set the current project
Set oConn = CurrentProject.Connection

'Now Open the recordsets
oRsp.Open sSQLp, oConn, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockOptimistic, adCmdText
oRsc.Open sSQLc, oConn, adOpenDynamic, adLockBatchOptimistic, adCmdTable
oRsla.Open sSQLla, oConn, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockOptimistic, adCmdText

'Now Begin A Transaction

'Now insert the CEID
With oRsc
.Fields("CEFirstName") = oRsp.Fields("FirstName")
...... 'Lots and Lots of Fields (50 total)
.Fields("UpdatedOn") = Now()
'Get New CEID
lCEID = .Fields("CEID")
End With

'ABOVE - No Message
'lCEID returns the correct number
'Nothing from Update at all --- hmmm....

' -----------------------------------------------------------------
'Now reset the SQL statements
sSQLc = "tblCEJoinLanguages"

'Now Reopen orsc with language data
oRsc.Open sSQLc, oConn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable

'Got the CEID, now Insert languages
With oRsla
Do While Not .EOF
oRsc.Fields("CEID") = lCEID
oRsc.Fields("LanguageID") = .Fields("LanguageID")
End With

If oConn.Errors.Count > 0 Then
TransferProspects = 0
Call MsgBox(Err.Number & vbCrLf & Err.Description)
GoTo CleanUp
TransferProspects = lCEID
Call MsgBox("Prospect Successfully Transferred." & vbCrLf & _
"Click OK to view Prospect As Contractor Employee.", _
vbOKOnly, "Success!")
GoTo CleanUp
End If


Set oRsp = Nothing
Set oRsla = Nothing
Set oConn = Nothing
End Function


Have you tried using CurrentProject.Connection instead of creating a new
adodb.connection object?

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