Alloting days



I have colum m3 with start date march 22, 2006, and colum D3:03 with month
starting from june to may. I need a formula to issue 1 day in march, 1 day
in july and 1 day in november (3 for the year starting march the month of the
start date). Any help?


Hi Kay,

Not sure that I understand your question. Do you mean that you want a
formula to return a date 4 months ahead, 8 months ahead and 12 months ahead?
If so, assume that M3 contains the date March 22, 2006.

=EDATE(M3,4) Returns Jul 22, 2006
=EDATE(M3,8) Returns Nov 22, 2006
=EDATE(M3,12) Returns Mar 22, 2007

If my assumption is not correct then post an example that shows a cell
address contains a value then list some cell addresses and the value that
they should return like below:-

Cell M3 contains March 22, 2006
Cell D3 to return ??????? (Insert the date required)
Cell D4 to return ??????? (Insert the date required)
Cell D5 to return ??????? (Insert the date required)


Thanks! I want the formula to place 1 in a cell every four month that is 3
for the year. I have cell D8:O8 starting with july and ends with june. The
allocation will start at different months. I have a cell with the start
months already

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