Anchoring Window in Visio Drawing



Actually I got this working.. I was able to either anchor or dock a for
into a visio drawing page, but I was trying to figure out how to make
anchored form in auto hide mode, repop when I click my mouse (it's a
if I had moved my mouse over the anchor window's bar name.



Yes, it's close to what I did, if not the same, but I actually got m
code from Visio SDK pack. What I am trying to find out is the nex
step.. When a anchor window self auto hides (deselect the thumbtack o
the anchored form), how do you make it pop open (unautohide) again?


Using symbols used in the mentioned document,
WindowState property might be a help to reopen the form.
Sub test()
wAddon.WindowState = visWSVisible + visWSAnchorLeft
End Sub

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