any idea?



hi all,
i'm a newbie in access and trying to create small application for my office.
could anyone help me with this??

i have this record in text file and already imported to .mdb.

seq item wh qty
1 abc x -10
2 abc y 10
3 def y -15
4 def x 15

i'd like to manipulate that record to show something like this

seq item whsource wh destination qty
1 abc x y 10
3 def y x 15

any idea for doing this??

many thanks


"always listen to experts. They'll tell you what can't be done, and why.
Then do it.''
-- Lazarus Long

Sylvain Lafontaine

MDB file or SQL-Server? This newsgroup is about ADP and, hence, about
SQL-Server as the backend.

For SQL-Server, a simple Case ... End in the Select and the Where clause
should suffice. For Access and MDB file, the IIF () statement shoud do the
trick, too, but the syntax will be different from the T-SQL used with

S. L.


try this:
Table1 is name of the table
paste this in the query sql view

SELECT Table1.item, Table1.wh, Table1_1.wh, Table1_1.qty
FROM Table1 INNER JOIN Table1 AS Table1_1 ON (Table1.item = Table1_1.item)
AND (Table1.wh <> Table1_1.wh)
WHERE (((Table1_1.qty)>0));

is it ok .I just tried


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