AODB Recordset



Hi, Please help...

This is my query below trying to extract data from Access into Excel. I am
having trouble withthe second part of the query. It works fine to bring in
the first SQL but then fails on the second and gives me this error message
"Operation is not allowed when the object is open"
I dont understand why its going wrong when I havent closed the connection
between the database but only closed when created the recordset.. How can I
fix this problem, as I may want to add another SQL to it?

Option Explicit

Dim cnnDW As ADODB.Connection
Dim rsDW As ADODB.Recordset
Dim sQRY As String
Dim strDWFilePath, strCSVFilePath, strDestFilePath, strDestFileName As String

Sub GetData()

On Error GoTo Err:
strDWFilePath = "H:\NCHO\Housing Services\Data Warehouse\HSG Data

Set cnnDW = New ADODB.Connection

Set rsDW = New ADODB.Recordset
'ASV N Week by Contract
cnnDW.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _
"Data Source=" & strDWFilePath & ";"
sQRY = "TRANSFORM Count([qryNoAccess(byAppt)].WRNumber) AS
CountOfWRNumber " & _
"SELECT [qryNoAccess(byAppt)].CouncilName " & _
"FROM [qryNoAccess(byAppt)] " & _
"WHERE ((([qryNoAccess(byAppt)].BANumber) <> 'HSG0008 20') And
(([qryNoAccess(byAppt)].AppointmentOutcomeID) = 'N') And
(([qryNoAccess(byAppt)].ActionTypeID) = 'AS')) " & _
"GROUP BY [qryNoAccess(byAppt)].CouncilName " & _
"PIVOT [qryNoAccess(byAppt)].Week"
rsDW.CursorLocation = adUseClient
rsDW.Open sQRY, cnnDW, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Sheet4.Range("B5").CopyFromRecordset rsDW
Set rsDW = Nothing

Set rsDW = New ADODB.Recordset
'ASV N Week by Neigbourhood
cnnDW.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _
"Data Source=" & strDWFilePath & ";"
sQRY = "TRANSFORM Count([qryNoAccess(byAppt)].WRNumber) AS
CountOfWRNumber " & _
"SELECT [qryNoAccess(byAppt)].CouncilDistrict " & _
"FROM [qryNoAccess(byAppt)] " & _
"WHERE ((([qryNoAccess(byAppt)].BANumber) <> 'HSG0008 20') And
(([qryNoAccess(byAppt)].AppointmentOutcomeID) = 'N') And
(([qryNoAccess(byAppt)].ActionTypeID) = 'AS')) " & _
"GROUP BY [qryNoAccess(byAppt)].CouncilDistrict " & _
"PIVOT [qryNoAccess(byAppt)].Week"
rsDW.CursorLocation = adUseClient
rsDW.Open sQRY, cnnDW, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Sheet4.Range("B25").CopyFromRecordset rsDW
Set rsDW = Nothing

Set cnnDW = Nothing

Exit Sub

MsgBox "The following error has occured-" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & VBA.Error,
vbCritical, "HSG NA Trending"
MsgBox VBA.Err

End Sub


Dave Patrick

REM this line

On Error GoTo Err:

then tell us the line that the code errors on.



Dave Patrick ....Please no email replies - reply in newsgroup.
Microsoft Certified Professional
Microsoft MVP [Windows]

| Hi, Please help...
| This is my query below trying to extract data from Access into Excel. I am
| having trouble withthe second part of the query. It works fine to bring in
| the first SQL but then fails on the second and gives me this error message
| "Operation is not allowed when the object is open"
| I dont understand why its going wrong when I havent closed the connection
| between the database but only closed when created the recordset.. How can
| fix this problem, as I may want to add another SQL to it?
| Option Explicit
| Dim cnnDW As ADODB.Connection
| Dim rsDW As ADODB.Recordset
| Dim sQRY As String
| Dim strDWFilePath, strCSVFilePath, strDestFilePath, strDestFileName As
| Sub GetData()
| On Error GoTo Err:
| strDWFilePath = "H:\NCHO\Housing Services\Data Warehouse\HSG Data
| Warehouse.mdb"
| Set cnnDW = New ADODB.Connection
| Set rsDW = New ADODB.Recordset
| 'ASV N Week by Contract
| Sheet4.Range("B5:BB23").ClearContents
| cnnDW.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _
| "Data Source=" & strDWFilePath & ";"
| sQRY = "TRANSFORM Count([qryNoAccess(byAppt)].WRNumber) AS
| CountOfWRNumber " & _
| "SELECT [qryNoAccess(byAppt)].CouncilName " & _
| "FROM [qryNoAccess(byAppt)] " & _
| "WHERE ((([qryNoAccess(byAppt)].BANumber) <> 'HSG0008 20') And
| (([qryNoAccess(byAppt)].AppointmentOutcomeID) = 'N') And
| (([qryNoAccess(byAppt)].ActionTypeID) = 'AS')) " & _
| "GROUP BY [qryNoAccess(byAppt)].CouncilName " & _
| "PIVOT [qryNoAccess(byAppt)].Week"
| rsDW.CursorLocation = adUseClient
| rsDW.Open sQRY, cnnDW, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly
| Application.ScreenUpdating = False
| Sheet4.Range("B5").CopyFromRecordset rsDW
| rsDW.Close
| Set rsDW = Nothing
| Set rsDW = New ADODB.Recordset
| 'ASV N Week by Neigbourhood
| Sheet4.Range("B25:BB79").ClearContents
| cnnDW.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _
| "Data Source=" & strDWFilePath & ";"
| sQRY = "TRANSFORM Count([qryNoAccess(byAppt)].WRNumber) AS
| CountOfWRNumber " & _
| "SELECT [qryNoAccess(byAppt)].CouncilDistrict " & _
| "FROM [qryNoAccess(byAppt)] " & _
| "WHERE ((([qryNoAccess(byAppt)].BANumber) <> 'HSG0008 20') And
| (([qryNoAccess(byAppt)].AppointmentOutcomeID) = 'N') And
| (([qryNoAccess(byAppt)].ActionTypeID) = 'AS')) " & _
| "GROUP BY [qryNoAccess(byAppt)].CouncilDistrict " & _
| "PIVOT [qryNoAccess(byAppt)].Week"
| rsDW.CursorLocation = adUseClient
| rsDW.Open sQRY, cnnDW, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly
| Application.ScreenUpdating = False
| Sheet4.Range("B25").CopyFromRecordset rsDW
| rsDW.Close
| Set rsDW = Nothing
| cnnDW.Close
| Set cnnDW = Nothing
| frmData.Hide
| Exit Sub
| Err:
| MsgBox "The following error has occured-" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf &
| vbCritical, "HSG NA Trending"
| MsgBox VBA.Err
| End Sub
| Thanks,
| Jez



I dont really understand what you mean, but when the error box appears
saying Operation is not allowed when the object is open another box pops up
saying 3705

How can I fix this?

Dave Patrick said:
REM this line

On Error GoTo Err:

then tell us the line that the code errors on.



Dave Patrick ....Please no email replies - reply in newsgroup.
Microsoft Certified Professional
Microsoft MVP [Windows]

| Hi, Please help...
| This is my query below trying to extract data from Access into Excel. I am
| having trouble withthe second part of the query. It works fine to bring in
| the first SQL but then fails on the second and gives me this error message
| "Operation is not allowed when the object is open"
| I dont understand why its going wrong when I havent closed the connection
| between the database but only closed when created the recordset.. How can
| fix this problem, as I may want to add another SQL to it?
| Option Explicit
| Dim cnnDW As ADODB.Connection
| Dim rsDW As ADODB.Recordset
| Dim sQRY As String
| Dim strDWFilePath, strCSVFilePath, strDestFilePath, strDestFileName As
| Sub GetData()
| On Error GoTo Err:
| strDWFilePath = "H:\NCHO\Housing Services\Data Warehouse\HSG Data
| Warehouse.mdb"
| Set cnnDW = New ADODB.Connection
| Set rsDW = New ADODB.Recordset
| 'ASV N Week by Contract
| Sheet4.Range("B5:BB23").ClearContents
| cnnDW.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _
| "Data Source=" & strDWFilePath & ";"
| sQRY = "TRANSFORM Count([qryNoAccess(byAppt)].WRNumber) AS
| CountOfWRNumber " & _
| "SELECT [qryNoAccess(byAppt)].CouncilName " & _
| "FROM [qryNoAccess(byAppt)] " & _
| "WHERE ((([qryNoAccess(byAppt)].BANumber) <> 'HSG0008 20') And
| (([qryNoAccess(byAppt)].AppointmentOutcomeID) = 'N') And
| (([qryNoAccess(byAppt)].ActionTypeID) = 'AS')) " & _
| "GROUP BY [qryNoAccess(byAppt)].CouncilName " & _
| "PIVOT [qryNoAccess(byAppt)].Week"
| rsDW.CursorLocation = adUseClient
| rsDW.Open sQRY, cnnDW, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly
| Application.ScreenUpdating = False
| Sheet4.Range("B5").CopyFromRecordset rsDW
| rsDW.Close
| Set rsDW = Nothing
| Set rsDW = New ADODB.Recordset
| 'ASV N Week by Neigbourhood
| Sheet4.Range("B25:BB79").ClearContents
| cnnDW.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _
| "Data Source=" & strDWFilePath & ";"
| sQRY = "TRANSFORM Count([qryNoAccess(byAppt)].WRNumber) AS
| CountOfWRNumber " & _
| "SELECT [qryNoAccess(byAppt)].CouncilDistrict " & _
| "FROM [qryNoAccess(byAppt)] " & _
| "WHERE ((([qryNoAccess(byAppt)].BANumber) <> 'HSG0008 20') And
| (([qryNoAccess(byAppt)].AppointmentOutcomeID) = 'N') And
| (([qryNoAccess(byAppt)].ActionTypeID) = 'AS')) " & _
| "GROUP BY [qryNoAccess(byAppt)].CouncilDistrict " & _
| "PIVOT [qryNoAccess(byAppt)].Week"
| rsDW.CursorLocation = adUseClient
| rsDW.Open sQRY, cnnDW, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly
| Application.ScreenUpdating = False
| Sheet4.Range("B25").CopyFromRecordset rsDW
| rsDW.Close
| Set rsDW = Nothing
| cnnDW.Close
| Set cnnDW = Nothing
| frmData.Hide
| Exit Sub
| Err:
| MsgBox "The following error has occured-" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf &
| vbCritical, "HSG NA Trending"
| MsgBox VBA.Err
| End Sub
| Thanks,
| Jez

Dave Patrick

Remove this line;

On Error GoTo Err:

Then tell us the line the code stops on.



Dave Patrick ....Please no email replies - reply in newsgroup.
Microsoft Certified Professional
Microsoft MVP [Windows]

| Dave,
| I dont really understand what you mean, but when the error box appears
| saying Operation is not allowed when the object is open another box pops
| saying 3705
| How can I fix this?

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