application-defined or object-defined error



I am getting the above error with the code below.
I don't know what to do but basically the user is asked to confirm and if
they cancel it stops the code so they can correct the error.

Can some explain what I am doing wrong as well a bit of the logic behind the



If Me![FreeStatePassFail] = 0 Then

blnok = confirm(" Are You sure the Job has Failed?")
If blnok = -1 Then
DisplayMessage ("oh shit")
Me![CmbFreeStsteStatus] = 4
Me![ChkFreeststateDone] = -1
Set db = CurrentDb()
Set rst = db.OpenRecordset("ComponentNos", dbOpenTable)

With rst
rst.Index = "Componet No"
rst.Seek "=", [CmbJob]
.Fields("FreeStateCount") = 0
.Fields("FreeStatePassCount") = 0

End With

Form.Cancel *** error on this line

End If
End If

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