ASP code syntax highlighting in FrontPage 2003 wanted!


Dmitry Bond.

Hi All.

I wondering why FrontPage 2003 STILL UNABLE to highlight ASP syntax?!?!
I mean - syntax highlight VBScript code insertions in <% ... %>.

Is it possible at all in FrontPage 2003 (or any lower versions of ProntPage)
to highlight ASP syntax?
I see it highlights only HTML code, but ASP code drawn in one color. :-( It
is pretty sad...

Or maybe I'm wrong?
Perphaps you know addons/plugins for FrontPage that able to highlight ASP
Could you please share some information regarding this issue?... :)


p c

FP 2k (and probably other FP versions when display scrip in a different
color (brown), if you switch the FP page view to HTML/code view.
that will include anything bbetween script tags and anything between
9and including the delimiters <% %>

If you want more than that, FP is not the tool.


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