Attn: Bob Phillips



I am currently working on timesheet and overtime is not calculating
correctly. I currently have this:

=IF($M$22-80>0,(IF(M9-8>0,M9-8,0)),0) where m22 is total hours per 2
weeks and m9 is hours for current day.

This seems to work fine until (a) overtime is worked and (b) an entire
day is overtime. I believe the only way to fix this problem is to
create a macro except I do not know how to write macros. I need to have
a running total of overtime for one week. My idea is to have a cell
constantly changing where the value is total per week minus 40. That
would leave only overtime. Then have days worked less subract from that

The biggest problem is I can't change the format of the timesheet, only
fix it. There is a column for overtime per day, except overtime is
calculated on a weekly basis. The dynamic cell would be useful for
this. I hope I am making sense.



Maybe you could try posting in either:

(note the dot between "worksheet" and "functions")



The above 2 excel newsgroups are amongst those
frequented by Bob Phillips so the chances are better ..

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