Audit trail on form


Bob H

I got this code from a site after googling Audit trail access 2007 database.

This code was put into a module:

Function AuditTrail()
On Error GoTo Err_Handler

Dim MyForm As Form, C As Control, xName As String
Set MyForm = Screen.ActiveForm

'Set date and current user if form has been updated.
MyForm!Updates = MyForm!Updates & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & _
"Changes made on " & Date & Time & " by " & CurrentUser() & ";"

'If new record, record it in audit trail and exit sub.
If MyForm.NewRecord = True Then
MyForm!Updates = MyForm!Updates & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & _
"New Record """
End If

'Check each data entry control for change and record
'old value of Control.
For Each C In MyForm.Controls

'Only check data entry type controls.
Select Case C.ControlType
Case acTextBox, acComboBox, acListBox, acOptionGroup
' Skip Updates field.
If C.Name <> "Updates" Then

' If control was previously Null, record "previous
' value was blank."
If IsNull(C.OldValue) Or C.OldValue = "" Then
MyForm!Updates = MyForm!Updates & Chr(13) & _
Chr(10) & C.Name & "--previous value was blank"

' If control had previous value, record previous value.
ElseIf IIf(IsNull(C.Value), "", C.Value) <> C.OldValue Then
MyForm!Updates = MyForm!Updates & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & _
C.Name & "==previous value was " & C.OldValue
End If
End If
End Select
Next C

Exit Function

If Err.Number <> 64535 Then
MsgBox "Error #: " & Err.Number & vbCrLf & "Description: " &
End If
Resume TryNextC
End Function

I created a new field on a table called Update, then in the BeforeUpdate
event of the form, I typed =AuditTrail()
Then I added the new Update feild from the table to the main form.
Here the changes are logged onto or into the text box on the form.

Now when I make any changes to data and then move to the next record I
get an error 3251: Operation not supported.
I also get the same error if I try to save any changes I made.

I have a couple of other questions on this as well but I'll leave them
until this error has been solved.


Douglas J. Steele

Try putting a break point in your code and single-stepping through to
determine the line on which it's failing.

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