Auto Delete



I work for a small manufacturing company. We have just designed a access
database for stock managment. We record all our pallet movements through this
database. We send some pallets with raw materials into production and they
get left in the "Production" Location. We need a auto delete function after
a certain amount of days. Does anyone know how to do this?

Also just to make it a bit harder is there a way to make some records delete
instantly after being transfered to the Production Location and some after
the certain amount of days?

If so how?
Thanks in advance


Lee, it would be very difficult for anyone to answer your question,
without a lot more information. We don't know anything about the
structure of your database; what tables you have or don't have; what
fields you have in those tables; what data gets entered where, when you
"record a pallet movement"; what you mean by "an auto delete function
after a number of days"; and so on.

We're here to help - but we don't have ESP! Maybe you could start by
listing your tables. For each table, show the name of the table, and
the names of the main fields in that table (we don't need their types &
lengths). Be sure to show what is the primary key of each table. If you
don't know what a "primary key" is, you'd better say so now, so we can
address that problem.

TC [MVP Access]

Hi Lee

I would not "delete" the records, but instead apply an additional column
with a yes/no field to identify if it has been handled.

You can then use a query or code to identify which records are over x days
and update the field.

Is that what you're looking for?



TC said:
Lee, it would be very difficult for anyone to answer your question,
without a lot more information. We don't know anything about the
structure of your database; what tables you have or don't have; what
fields you have in those tables; what data gets entered where, when you
"record a pallet movement"; what you mean by "an auto delete function
after a number of days"; and so on.

We're here to help - but we don't have ESP! Maybe you could start by
listing your tables. For each table, show the name of the table, and
the names of the main fields in that table (we don't need their types &
lengths). Be sure to show what is the primary key of each table. If you
don't know what a "primary key" is, you'd better say so now, so we can
address that problem.

TC [MVP Access]

The Table name is TBLProductlocations.

In that table we have a fieldname "datemoved" which auto date stamps the
movement. We want it to look at that "datemoved" field and see's a record
that has been moved into the "Production" Location on eg 01/01/06 and we
want it to auto delete after 3 days of sitting in this "production" location.
I hope that explains it a bit better


Sorry, for me to help, you'd have to tell me the name of each table in
your database, and the names of all the main fields in each of those
tables. You'd also need to clearly state the primary key field(s) of
each table, or say you don't know what that means.

TC [MVP Access]

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