Auto-ID and Delete/left shift cells when a cell contains text?



I routinely produce Excel spreadsheets with data exported from my SQL
database. I need to automate "cleanup" in a couple areas.

The most challenging (for me) is the when the SQL database has multiple
client notes, that client's row in Excel has multple cells- one for each
note. As you can imagine, it shifts over all the data to the right, so a
column that would otherwise contain something like client email has data from
a different column.

I have been manually delete/left-shift-cells for each client. Obviously
this takes time and is prone to mistakes.

I need a way to "automate" a way to clean up excess cells. I want to either
merge a group of text cells into one cell, or delete/left-shift the cells.

Is there a way for Excel to look down a column, know that it should only
contain a number- not text- and automatically delete/left-shift the cell? I
figure if I can do that, I can make a macro out of it and automate data

Please Help!

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