auto lookup query over a form and save



dear friends
i would like to save an query result in the field and also to make it
appear over a form . in one-many relationship tables
employee name membership account number (PK)
employee id(PK) Employee id(FK)
Employee name(Lookup
wizard to employees.employeename)
On the form membership i would like to have employee id in the field
text box [employee id]and also to be saved in the table as soon as i
selewcted the employee name on the form.which is the forighn key and
should not be any mistake whiledata entry.

hence i used query. FROM table[employees]
[ employee name] [employee id]
criteria: =(frm!membership!employeename)
and i made form!employee id! data control source =query result
but it is not working out and not getting saved
i m professionally an indian railway train locopilot and new to access
kindly help me please.

Second problom.
i have an text box on the Header part of the form and i want to save
the text of that text box in the field hence i made Field textbox data
controlsource = [textbox]
but not getting saved kindly help me
thanking you
yours BALU

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