AutoFit Looks Terrible



On the code below I create a New WorkBook. Everything works great excepr
that when I display my new WorkBook the Rows acn be anywhere from 3/8" to 2"
in height.

I use the .ColumnWidth = 111 line to get by my Blank (Null) Cells. I think
this is where my problem is, but I am not real sure. The 111 comes from the
fact that it is the largest number of characters that can be in any one cell
on the Application.

Sub ClassIntl()

Dim wkst As Worksheet ' Current Sheet
Dim lbls As Workbook
Dim wslb As Worksheet ' Work Sheet
Dim rng As Range
Dim lastRow As Long
Dim SelCol As String
Dim ColNum As Long
Dim HSClass As Long

Set wkst = ActiveSheet
HSClass = 12

SelCol = InputBox("Enter the Column for the registrar You Want
to Send Scores to:!")
ColNum = Columns(SelCol & ":" & SelCol).Column
SelCol = "A1," & SelCol & "1"

Set lbls = Workbooks.Add(1)
Set wslb = lbls.Worksheets(1)
lbls.Title = "Letters to Universities"
lbls.Subject = "IntlTest"

With wkst
If .AutoFilterMode Then .AutoFilterMode = False
Set rng = .Range("A1").CurrentRegion
With rng
.AutoFilter Field:=HSClass, Criteria1:="AAA"
.AutoFilter Field:=ColNum, Criteria1:="<>"
.Columns(ColNum).Copy wslb.Columns(1).Cells(1)
.Columns(2).Copy wslb.Columns(2).Cells(1)
.Columns(5).Copy wslb.Columns(3).Cells(1)
.Columns(7).Copy wslb.Columns(4).Cells(1)
End With
End With

With wslb.Range("A:F").EntireColumn
.ColumnWidth = 111
End With

If wkst.AutoFilterMode Then wkst.AutoFilterMode = False


wslb.SaveAs Filename:="C:\ExcelExp\JustNE.xls",

End Sub

Any assistance in helping me make this new Book a little more representable
will be appreciated.

Thanks in Advance


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