autonumbering in a table vertically


Tony H

Can someone suggest to me a way (or the way) to change
Words autonumbering to count down a column in a multiple
column table and not across the rows. That is, Not:

1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9

but rather:

1 4 7
2 5 8
3 6 9

I'd appreciate greatly any advice.


Klaus Linke

Hi Tony,

If your cells are all the same height, you can use a one-column table in
"newspaper-style" columns.

The setup to make the table lines fit together is a bit hard, though.

In "Format > Columns", you set the column width to the width of your table
(which should be set to a fixed width).
The distance between columns should be zero.

It's probably easiest to set the left and right cell padding to zero (Table
Table properties > Options), and do the left and right indent with
"Format > Paragraph" instead.


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