AutoOpen macro (opens documents in Final mode of track changes)




I've got an AutoOpen macro that forces all of my documents to open in
Final mode of Track Changes. It works GREAT! There is one minor
problem though. For some reason, with this added to my
template, everytime my computer times out and goes to the Windows lock
screen, when I log back on, VBA opens up to this macro. The macro is
below. Why is that?

Sub AutoOpen()
' Open track changes toolbar
CommandBars("Reviewing").Visible = True
' Make the document open in Final track changes mode
' ActiveDocument.TrackRevisions = Not ActiveDocument.TrackRevisions
With ActiveWindow.View
.ShowRevisionsAndComments = False
.RevisionsView = wdRevisionsViewFinal
.Type = wdPrintView 'select page/print layout view
'Alternative to the above line if normal view is preferred
'.Type = wdNormalView
.Zoom.Percentage = 100 'set the display zoom to 100%
End With
' Open Outline toolbar
CommandBars("Outlining").Visible = True
End Sub

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