Average weekly value



Hi, i'm trying to produce a graph with a data point which is the average for
each weeks worth of data. The date field is called Job Date
However I want the data label on the x axis to read dd/mm/yy instead of the
week of the year. At the moment whilst the data points on the graph are only
the weekly averages, every date is still displayed along the x axis. You can
probably work out why from the current query colums. I have:

Week Starting: [Job Date]-(Weekday([Job Date])-1)
- to produce the date in the format I want

Average Efficiency: (Sum([Expected Labour Minutes])/Sum([Expected
Output]))/(Sum([Actual Labour Minutes])/Sum([Actual Output]))*100
- the actual data value

(Year([Job Date])*12+Month([Job Date])-1)
- to sort the dates

(Format([Job Date],"ww mmm"" '""yy"))
- to produce only a weekly data point

As you can see this is a mess! I just need a weekly average data point with
only those labels showing up on the x axis. any Help? Thanks

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