bad formation?


chris leeds

I've got a .css layout and every element works OK.
the problem is when I put this "utility menu" in mousing over the "links"
wipes out the text in the adjacent <div>.

I'm thinking it's an unclosed tag but I'm not seeing it:
<a title="It's Printer Friendly Too!" href="javascript:window.print()"
onMouseOver="window.status='Go ahead, it\'s printer friendly!'; return
true;" onMouseOut="window.status=''" ;>Print This Page</a></p>
<a title="For Internet Explorer Users"
e)" onMouseOver="window.status='Sorry, it only works for Internet Explorer
users.'; return true;" onMouseOut="window.status=''" ;>Bookmark This
<a href="sendpage.asp?link=<%=request.servervariables("SCRIPT_NAME")%>"
onclick="popUp(this.href,'fixed',250,200);return false;"
onMouseOver="window.status='Send a link to this page to anyone you want.
It\'s Private and secure.'; return true;" onMouseOut="window.status=''";
target="_blank">Send This Page</a></p>
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/JavaScript"
src="../faq/afm.asp"></script><a href="#"
onclick="javascript:xlaAFMlaunch();" onMouseOver="window.status='View
Frequently Asked Questions.'; return true;" onMouseOut="window.status=''"
;target="_blank">See The F.A.Q.</a></p>
any body like a certain editor that highlights the syntax so that it's more

The email address on this posting is a "black hole". I got tired of all the
Please feel free to contact me here:

chris leeds

sonofagun! that's pretty close to what I'm seeing! oddly it only happens
with that second menu on the page. I'll have to read it and try the work
around. I think you've put me in the right direction!

I'm sure nobody has the free time to parse my ugly code. I wish there were
a machine that'd do it for me. ;-)

chris leeds

although I didn't clean up all that JavaScript I did follow your link to
this link:
and the addition of a 1% height attribute to various <p> etc. eventually
paid off.
If I have time I'll look to see which by removing it 1 by 1 but it may be a
different cause for each situation depending on the nesting of
elements.....I guess. ;-)


Chris Leeds,
Microsoft MVP FrontPage

The email address on this posting is a "black hole". I got tired of all the
Please feel free to contact me here:

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