Can anybody explain to me what the difference is between "baseline
budget cost" and "budget cost" in Project 2007?
I'm aware of Budget Resources and how to use them (assigning them to
Project Summary Task etc), but what does baseline budget do that is
different from Baseline? One of my biggest difficulties in our
construction planning is baselining a placeholder resource on a task
until we can secure an actual contractor to do the work. Once we get
somebody to do the work, often all I wanted to change with regards to
the baseline is who did it and maybe how much they did it for. I want
to find a way to keep the original baseline dates, but update the person
and the money. Can baseline budget help me in this problem?
budget cost" and "budget cost" in Project 2007?
I'm aware of Budget Resources and how to use them (assigning them to
Project Summary Task etc), but what does baseline budget do that is
different from Baseline? One of my biggest difficulties in our
construction planning is baselining a placeholder resource on a task
until we can secure an actual contractor to do the work. Once we get
somebody to do the work, often all I wanted to change with regards to
the baseline is who did it and maybe how much they did it for. I want
to find a way to keep the original baseline dates, but update the person
and the money. Can baseline budget help me in this problem?