Baseline work disappears (MOPS2007)


Quizzed again

We have on the server SP1, Infra Update, August Cum Update. Clients are the
same patches (12.0.6327.5000) SP1 MSO (12.0.6320.5000).

For some unknown reason, the files in MOPS lose their baseline hours. They
just disappear when my user opens his files on some random day. Happened
about 5 times so far.

I did not see it as a fix in the Dec Cum Update.

Anyone have this problem? Anyone know why this is happenening to my user or
how to prevent this?


We were encountering a similar issue in that our baselines were not being
saved during re-baselines. Or our saved baseilne information appeared to
being lost. We found after installing the 12/16/08 CU and then DELETING (not
cleaning) the cache folder resolved those issues.

Hope this helps.

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