Basic Q: How does one install/uninstall VSTO add-in from Outlook 2



Hi, I have read EXTENSIVELY and the actual simple process of installing a
VSTO Outlook 2003 Add-in built in VS 2005 & VSTO is not explained in detail.
Please help with answers to this complete newbie's questions thank you!

I have built the HelloWorld Outlook 2003 VSTO Add-in described here:
....and it installs and runs upon a successful build.

1. how does one uninstall this add-in from Outlook 2003 so that its buttons
no longer appear and the code no longer is loaded with Outlook 2003 when it
starts up?

2. In the development environment it appears that a successful build in VS
2005 (w/ VSTO installed), installs the VSTO add-in to my local copy of
Outlook 2003. It works.
2.A. Is it the build or some other action I am missing that installs the
VSTO add-in to Outlook 2003?
2.B. Is there another way to install this simple VSTO add-in
independently of the build?

3. How does one install an Outlook 2003 VSTO Add-in on a machine with
Outlook 2003, .NET Framework installed, but no VSTO or VS2005 development
environment (assuming that is what is doing the install on my development

I know, these are too simple but somehow the answers are not clear. But I
have read Carter & Lippert's and Bruney's books and they don't explain this
simple stuff.

Thank you,

Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

You uninstall an addin, including VSTO addins using Add/Remove Programs,
just as you do with any other software. Your addin should also be creating
any UI as temporary using the Temporary argument, plus it should as a safety
precaution be deleting the UI when each Explorer or Inspector is closing.

When you run on your development machine the run time environment takes care
of handling setting up your computer and system to run the addin. That does
not happen in deployed addins, and you also must extend full trust to all
the assemblies in your addin in addition to making sure all the
pre-requisites are installed. VSTO deployment is a major pain point with
VSTO, but if you follow the deployment walkthroughs very carefully you can
get it done. See the 2 articles starting at for a step
by step solution.


You remove the addin from your local copy (development machine) by going to
options, other tab, advance options, COM addins, and then delete your addin.

Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

That will not uninstall the addin, it will merely prevent it from loading.
It still leaves it in place and registered in the Windows registry.


On the development machine as I stated, YES it does remove it from the

Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

Normally for debugging you run an install after building the project and
then you start debugging. In that case there is a registration in Add/Remove

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