batch import images to separate slides



i would like to batch import images to separate slides. Is there a way to do
this without having to purchase anything extra? dont want to use the
photoalbum feature as this is no good for my purposes. any help would be

p.s.: has anyone tried to insert a script into powerpoint. " the following
is intended as sample code for quick one-time uses or as an example to get
started writing your own macros " from: If anybody knows how to use
this please send me an email. thanks. email: (e-mail address removed)

Sub ImportABunch()

Dim strTemp As String
Dim strPath As String
Dim strFileSpec As String
Dim oSld As Slide
Dim oPic As Shape

' Edit these to suit:
strPath = "c:\My Pictures\"
strFileSpec = "*.jpg"

strTemp = Dir(strPath & strFileSpec)

Do While strTemp <> ""
Set oSld = ActivePresentation.Slides.Add(ActivePresentation.Slides.Count
+ 1, ppLayoutBlank)
Set oPic = oSld.Shapes.AddPicture(FileName:=strPath & strTemp, _
LinkToFile:=msoFalse, _
SaveWithDocument:=msoTrue, _
Left:=0, _
Top:=0, _
width:=100, _

' Reset it to its "real" size
With oPic
.Scaleheight 1, msoTrue
.Scalewidth 1, msoTrue
End With

' and optionally, make it fill the slide - to do that, uncomment the
' With oPic
' .height = ActivePresentation.PageSetup.Slideheight
' .width = ActivePresentation.PageSetup. Slidewidth
' End n

' Get the next file that meets the spec and go round again
strTemp = Dir

End Sub

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