being in contact

  • Thread starter Dr. Jose F, Perez R.
  • Start date

Dr. Jose F, Perez R.

Dear Ron !salud before our three luminaires of The Ancient Martinist Order!

I am Josè F, Pèrez a venezuelan physician G::M::N:: for Venezuela and now
managing the Jurisdiction of spanish/portugues speaking countries. my
labor is to avoid ,the AMO get into a crash for not having a head who

lead us to the path under Martinist viewpoint.Zohariel can refer about me

You asked for who is Sar Haniel and how communicate with him. I'll say

he is an iniciated for me into several Orders,being my succesor in these

fraternities. I prepared him into Rosicrucian teachings, also into

rites and of course in the Martinism. He was Master of Lodge Agartha,
secretary for

Grand Lodge of Venezuela, so he has been being trained for me and Zohariel

to reach the higher development in the esoterical world, He lives in

Estado Carabobo, two hours by car from Caracas. his name is Mauricio

Molina his mail: (e-mail address removed).

Now we have in AMO you as our head till a new head got elected. then
i'll give you the mail of Sar Shekinah(Juan carlos)
I would be important for us to know about those martinists you mention in
you mail,existing in Rusia, Australia and others countries for the near
Fraternally yours

Sar Benefactorex L.I G::M::N::

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