Best quality slideshow?



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Power PC

I need to create a template for a high quality photo slideshow. I am going
to project the slideshow with an F80 projector which has a max resolution of 1920x1200. I have resized images to this size at 72 dpi but when they
are placed on the powerpoint slides they appear too large.

What am I doing wrong and how do I set the slides/images up to benefit from the projector's resolution?

Any comments greatly appreciated.

Steve Rindsberg

Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Power PC

I need to create a template for a high quality photo slideshow. I am going
to project the slideshow with an F80 projector which has a max resolution of 1920x1200. I have
resized images to this size at 72 dpi but when they
are placed on the powerpoint slides they appear too large.

Assuming that your computer's display will be set to the same 1920x1200 resolution, you'd want the
images at that size, measured in pixels, DPI pretty much irrelevant.

Make sure your presentation's slide/page setup is set to something proportional to 1920x1200.

PPT makes some assumptions about images/slide size when you insert images; if it's wrong, the images
may be larger/smaller than you expect. As long as you know they're correctly sized for the use you'll
be putting them to, you'll just have to accept that you're smarter than PowerPoint. ;-)

If the images don't fill the screen, resize them so they do. It won't hurt them any.

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