bibliography tutorial




where can I look for a simple , yet more complete than the help file,
tutorial on bibliography?


How about Microsoft Office Online

mmm, I know all it's in that page already but it isn't enough.
I wasn't specifically able to find how to collapse groups of citations in
range of citations.
Let's say I add lot of citations and I want to write somewehere that an
argument can be found in sources (1)-(20), then I have to add a sequence of
20 numbers while I'd actually need to refer only at the first one and the
last one, and this is to me a big deal because I have in a document of mine
almost half page filled with numbers...

John McGhie

Ah, right... you want to "Conflate refeences".

This can be done for Index entries, but I am not sure the Table Generator
supports it for bibiographies.

For only half a page, I am sure you will find it quicker to simply type what
you want to see into the text, than to go on a lengthy hunt for ways to make
Word do this.

Essentially, you can add a Bookmark that fully encases the section you want
to refer to. You then insert a reference to the bookmark, which will appear
with a range of page numebers: Pages 21-29.

However, in service I find bookmarks a bit fragile, particularly if a
document has to be edited by users who do not know they're there. It's only
worth it if you publish books for a living all day every day, and you live
in an office where you are surrounded by publishing professionals, who know
to check the instructions for complex special procedures before opening a
book file.

If you don't have a staff of experts, I would type it :)



John McGhie, Consultant Technical Writer,
McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd
Sydney, Australia. GMT + 10 Hrs

+61 4 1209 1410, <mailto:[email protected]> mailto:[email protected]


Essentially, you can add a Bookmark that fully encases the section you
want to refer to. You then insert a reference to the bookmark, which will
appear with a range of page numebers: Pages 21-29.

Thanks a lot, this should do it.

Ah, Happy Easter :)

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