blogging with FP


Jesse Hand

I have been looking for a service that will let me publish a blog with
FP2002. Know of any?



Spelling & grammar errors are made on purpose for those who are fulfilled by
correcting others.

Kevin Spencer

"blog" is a pretty generic term. What exactly do you want?

Kevin Spencer
..Net Developer
Microsoft MVP
Big things are made up
of lots of little things.

Jesse (other Jesse)

Kevin i want to be able to post daily little thoughts on my website through a from(like this one i am using now). I want it password protected and also be able to arrange the input in any arrangement. Can you help me out?

chris leeds

I'd toyed around with this. I suppose a simple password protection script
and the dbrw wizard would do it but the more I thought about it the more I
came to realize that just using fp as it was intended and when I'm done just
right click the page and "publish selected" is good enough. It seems that
most of the online forms and content management systems are to allow people
without skills/ tools to post, when we are lucky enough to be able to just
use FrontPage.

Jesse (other Jesse) said:
Kevin i want to be able to post daily little thoughts on my website
through a from(like this one i am using now). I want it password protected
and also be able to arrange the input in any arrangement. Can you help me



Thanks for the BFO (blinding flash of the obvious). I've been tinkering for
months with various things to create a blog. Your suggestion makes me feel
like an idiot. FP is so easy to publish, I don't know why I didn't bother. I
guess I just like to find new, specialized toys for doing everything.


- Leon

Joe Rohn

I think blogs and similar have their place outside of FrontPage. A couple
situations where they might be useful:

If you are a developer building a site for a client, and they want to have a
means to be able to update content (and don't know or don't want to know how
to use FrontPage) Having a database driven blog that can be updated through
a browser is a good alternative.

Another situation is to have the ability to update (even your own content
possibly) anywhere that you have Internet access. As much as we might like
to..we can't *always* be sitting in front of FrontPage! <g>


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