Bookmark: prevent infinite loop




I've created an Access ADP (2003) that connects to a SQL Server 2000
database. On one of my forms I use a button to create a new record (company).
The user is asked to enter a company name (using an inputbox). Next, the
record is added with an INSERT command. After the record is created, I want
my form to go to the created record. I've used the bookmark property and
everything seemed to work fine ...
This is my current code (remark: my primary key is a Unique Identifier):
On Error GoTo Err_Nieuw_Click

Dim strInput As String
Dim strSQL As String
Dim RS As ADODB.Recordset
Dim dbs As ADODB.Connection
Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset
Dim strLink As String
Dim ctl As Control
Dim strGUID As String
Dim ctlnew As Control
Dim strGUIDnew As String
Dim c As Long

Form_frmFirma.AllowAdditions = True

strInput = InputBox("Enter the name of the new company:", "Add new company")

If strInput = "" Then
GoTo Exit_Nieuw_Click
End If

'DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL

Set dbs = New ADODB.Connection
dbs.ConnectionString = CurrentProject.Connection

Set rst = dbs.Execute("EXEC dbo.spToevoegenGUID 'Firma'")

If Err.Number = 0 And rst.State = adStateOpen Then
strGUID = rst("@@GUID") ' This returns the Unique Identifier of the
newly created record/company
End If

strSQL = "INSERT INTO tblFirma (FirmaID,Firmanaam, VertegenwoordigerID)
SELECT '" & strGUID & "','" & strInput & "', '" & strUser & "'"
DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL


General.lngPogingen = 3000 ' Retry 3000 times before showing a message box
(else: an infinite loop may occur). This value can be changed to work on
faster/slower computers.

Set RS = Me.Recordset.Clone
RS.Find "[FirmaID] = '" & strGUID & "'"

If Not RS.EOF Then Me.Bookmark = RS.Bookmark

Set ctlnew = Me.FirmaID
strGUIDnew = StringFromGUID(ctlnew.Value)
strGUIDnew = Right(Trim([strGUIDnew]), 39)
strGUIDnew = Left(Trim([strGUIDnew]), 38)

If strGUID <> strGUIDnew Then
If c < General.lngPogingen Then
c = c + 1
GoTo Retry
MsgBox "The original record could not be found. Contact your
administrator for more information.", vbOKOnly, "Record not found"
End If
End If

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Nieuw_Click

Everything works fine on my computer(s) but doesn't on my clients
computer(s)! The message box is shown almost every time. I've done a lot of
debugging but I can't find the reason the record can't be found.
Any ideas?


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