building a linked table in VBA


John B. Smotherman

I'm trying to build a linked table in a VBA routine. I've stepped through the
code in debug mode, and it SEEMS to be working, except I get no results in
the table. I'm including some of the code for reference:

'create a workspace
Set wrkJet = CreateWorkspace("", "admin", "", dbUseJet)

'create a connection to the LocalSearchResults database
Set dbLSR = wrkJet.OpenDatabase(strDbName)

'delete the tblSearchResults table, in order to recreate it.

'if the table doesn't exist, the error handler catches the error
'and resumes at MakeTheTable, below
dbLSR.TableDefs.Delete "tblSearchResults"

'create the tblSearchResults table, and the fields in the table
Set NewTblDef = dbLSR.CreateTableDef("tblSearchResults")
With NewTblDef
.Fields.Append .CreateField("ItemContainer", dbLong)
.Fields.Append .CreateField("TID_Number", dbLong)
.Fields.Append .CreateField("ItemName", dbText)
.Fields.Append .CreateField("Manufacturer", dbText)
.Fields.Append .CreateField("ModelNumber", dbText)
.Fields.Append .CreateField("SerialNumber", dbText)
at this point in the code I search the main table (which resides in the
back-end, separate from the local search results db) and build a collection
of records that match a specific criteria. Then I step through the collection
and add the contents to the tblSearchResults table:

'now process the search results
For Each varItem In colInventory
strItem = CStr(varItem)
varDivider = InStr(strItem, ",")
!ItemContainer = Val(Left$(strItem, varDivider))
!TID_Number = Val(Right$(strItem, Len(strItem) - varDivider))
!ItemName = DLookup("ItemName", "tblItems", "TID_Number = "
& lngTN)
It all seems to work (program flow is as expected, and I can watch the
contents of the fields change) but the tblSearchResults table is empty. What
am I missing?

Thanks for your help!

John B. Smotherman

Thanks, Roger. I do have .update but forgot to include that line in the code
snippet I pasted. However, in the meantime I figured out that I need to
refresh the link to the external table, and add the records via the link,
rather than to the external table directly. Thanks again!

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