C# accesors in Visio


David Dvali

How can I implement C# class accesors in Visio 2003?
Here is the class code in C# for example:

public class Person {
private int id;
private string forename;
private string surname;

public int Id {
get { return this.id; }

public string Forename {
get { return this.forename; }
set { this.forename = value; }

public string Surname {
get { return this.surname; }
set { this.surname = value; }


Not sure what you mean. You can just build your own "wrapper class"...

class MyShape {

private Visio.Shape _visShape

public void new( Visio.Shape visShape ) {
_visShape = visShape

public double simpleArea() {
return _visShape.CellsU("Width").ResultIU *


Hope this helps,

Chris Roth
Visio MVP

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