Calc value of colluns



Staff, I have a A1 column until A8 that I placed some dates. I wanted that
in the A2 column it more appeared the addition of the date of the column the
5 days. Until ai all well B1 = A1, B2=A2. etc But the following one happens,
if the day that will be to calculate in column B to appear one day of
holiday it must add more 1 day for nao to give in the holiday. I tried with
code VBA but not yet I obtained because I do not dominate Range and the
Cells. People, knows as to make this? I know that people of this forum is
very good in excel!

Tarcísio Corte

Cindy M.

Hi Tarcisiocorte,
Staff, I have a A1 column until A8 that I placed some dates. I wanted that
in the A2 column it more appeared the addition of the date of the column the
5 days. Until ai all well B1 = A1, B2=A2. etc But the following one happens,
if the day that will be to calculate in column B to appear one day of
holiday it must add more 1 day for nao to give in the holiday. I tried with
code VBA but not yet I obtained because I do not dominate Range and the
Cells. People, knows as to make this? I know that people of this forum is
very good in excel!
Not really... Very few Excel specialists drop in here.

Try asking in the excel.programming newsgroup. And be sure to mention the
version of Excel you're using.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 17 2005)

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any follow question or reply
in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)

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