Calculate time in a cell



I have a spread sheet that I keep the employees schedule in. What I'm trying
to do is let excel keep a tally of total hours for me.
A13 Has Carol B13 has 5:30-14:30 <~~ which are her hours for that day.
then C13, D13, E13, F13 etc etc has her schedule input the same way. (24
hour clock) In addition to keeping a tally of total hours, can it also
subtract 30 minutes per day for a lunch break?

I've tried all I know and nothing works.

Thanks in advance!


Thanks Barb!

I guess I don't understand... Cell B13 has the following in it:
5:30-14:30... I'm not sure how to write that formula??

Peo Sjoblom

No offense but that is not a good design, always put numeric in single
cells, it can be done using formulas that will parse the values then do the
calculations but I'd suggest you change the layout and put 5:30 in one cell
14:30 in another
then use


where A1 holds the 5:30 and B1 14:30, 0.5 is the 30 minutes in decimal time

otherwise you need something like


with 5:30-14:30 in A1


Peo Sjoblom

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