Calculating Numbers



I have a payroll database for clients with disabilities. If their gross pay
is under $2.00, they are subsidized.
I am displaying these fields: Gross Pay & Subsidy to Enter (they are rounded
to 2 decimal places).

For the most part it works great. My problem is when the rounding pumps up
the numbers.
Example: John Doe
Gross Pay: $0.53 (.525)
Subisdy to Enter: $1.48 (1.475)

When $1.48 is entered for the subsidy, gross pay jumps to $2.01.

If I enter the subsidy with 3 decimal places, everything works fine. The
person inputting just wants to view/enter a subsidy with two decimal places.

Some of the fields:
SubsidyToEnter: 2-[SumGrossPay]
Gross Pay Formula: IIf([Prevailing Wage]>0,[Piece Rate Wage],[Hourly Wage])
Gross Pay: IIf([Gross Pay Formula]>0,[Gross Pay Formula],[q
Hourly Wage: IIf(IsNull([q sf/Code]![Prevailing Wage]),([q sf/Code]![Avg
Pay])*[q sf/Code]![Time])
FICA: [Gross Pay]*0.076506
Net Pay: [Gross Pay]-[FICA]


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