Calculations in subforms


Graeme at Raptup

I have a form with 2 subforms.
Job (Main form)
Quote (1st subform)
Cost Details (2nd subform)

In the Cost Details (datasheet) I have as calculated:
CostAmount = ([CostPrice]*[Units])
LineCost = (([CostPrice]*[Units])*(1-[CostDiscount]))

In the footer (not visible) I have;
SubTotal = Sum((([CostPrice]*[Units])*(1-[CostDiscount])))

Now I'd like to get the SubTotal for each QuoteID (in the 1st Quote subform)
visible for each record in the 1st subform.
I know how to enter it onto the main form as;
Quote SubTotal = [frm_CostDetails Subform].Form! SubTotal

But I want to have the field in the 1st subform.

And then I want to have a Job_Total calculation on the main form that sums
all the quote sub totals.

As always, any help is much appreciated!

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