Can this be done with access 2007


Need Help

Start time 6:00am end time 11:00am
HoundID JudgeID TimeScore Score
333 2 9:00 35 keep and count
333 4 9:03 30 keep and do not count
333 3 9:10 25 keep and count
333 2 9:50 15 keep and count
333 9 10:00 35 keep and count
333 4 10:15 20 keep and count
333 3 10:09 25 keep and do not count
323 2 10:10 35 keep and count
343 1 10:34 20 keep and count
343 10 10:45 15 keep and count
343 2 9:00 35 keep and count
Need total for each hounded
Per each HoundID all scores much be counted if over a 10 minute time
interval from each time HoundID was scored. No to scores can be within a 10
minute time interval from each other per hound ID.
For example HoundID 333
9:00 35
9:10 25
9:50 15
10:00 35
10:15 20
Total 130


The answer to "Can this be done..." will almost always be 'Yes'. The more
difficult question to answer is "How can this be done?".

The first thing is that you need to identify for each hound what the first
time is, and then use that as the basis as the start for 10 minutes.

Obviously, this is not a single query solution, but a VBA procedure with
several queries.

Need Help

could you show me how

S.Clark said:
The answer to "Can this be done..." will almost always be 'Yes'. The more
difficult question to answer is "How can this be done?".

The first thing is that you need to identify for each hound what the first
time is, and then use that as the basis as the start for 10 minutes.

Obviously, this is not a single query solution, but a VBA procedure with
several queries.

Steve Clark,
Former Access MVP
FMS, Inc

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