Cancel command button



I have a command button that refreshes its form to complete any pending
updates then goes on to perform some code.

Private Sub cmdButton_Click()
End Sub

Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate()
If Record Not Valid Then
Cancel = True
End If
End Sub

This cancels the update but the code for the command button goes on to fire.
Is there a way of cancelling the button click too?


Douglas J Steele

You can have a global variable that gets set when the update is cancelled,
and check for that variable in your cmdButton_Click code.

'69 Camaro

Hi, James.

No. Once the button is clicked, it's been clicked. However, if you have
certain code that you don't want to execute if the record isn't saved, then
you can create a module level Boolean flag to check for whether the record
save was successful or not. Try:

Private m_fCancel As Boolean ' Put this in the Declarations section.

Private Sub cmdButton_Click()
If (Not (m_fCancel)) Then
' Execute code here.
m_fCancel = False ' Reset.
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
If Record Not Valid Then ' Psuedocode.
Cancel = True
m_fCancel = True
End If
End Sub


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Thanks guys

Douglas J Steele said:
You can have a global variable that gets set when the update is cancelled,
and check for that variable in your cmdButton_Click code.

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