Cannot creat chart in Access 2007



I am trying to create a chart from the following table :-
Year Cum Tot Yr Tot
1991 725.90 725.90
1992 184.70 184.70
1993 1106.40 1106.40
1994 270.70 270.70
1995 481.20 481.20
1996 1002.90 1037.00
1997 1233.60 1272.30
1998 1196.20 1196.20
1999 984.90 1007.60
2000 1305.90 1371.70
2001 1349.58 1402.60
2002 1266.62 1317.65
2003 1170.95 1248.71
2004 1189.50 1240.18
2005 1142.01 1209.97
2006 1641.25 1737.57
2007 1341.18 1341.18

Using the Chart Wizard I select all three fields then accept the default
chart type. The next thing which happens is that I get a message as follows
Chart Wizard
Automation error
Error accessing the OLE registry.

Clicking the OK button then allows me to choose Year as the Axis. If I then
continue I get a message saying Overflow when I click the Finish button so
have to Cancel. There is then no Row Source or Row Source Type in the chart.
If I insert this information then switch to view the chart all I see is a
blank page.

Would it be anything to do with having Office Pro 2003 with Access 2003
installed, or is there some other reason?

Thanks in anticipation,


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