Can't delete records from table



I have a database which I actually developed on my home laptop and
then copied to my work laptop in my office. The problem is that I am
not able to delete certain rows from my customer table (which I
discovered contained duplicate data) either via a short VBA procedure
or via a delete query. However I can open the table in worksheet view
and delete rows manually.

When I use the procedure:

Public Sub RemoveDupstblCustomer()

'Declare variables
Dim rstDups As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim rstCust As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim numCustIDDups As Long
Dim numCustIDCust As Long
Dim strName As String

'Open temptblCustDups for list of duplicate records, move to first
record and assign variable values
With rstDups
.Open "temptblCustDups", CurrentProject.Connection,
adOpenDynamic, adLockBatchOptimistic
Do Until .EOF
numCustIDDups = .Fields("CustID")
strName = .Fields("WholeName")
'Open tblCustomer and move to first record and assign
variable values
With rstCust
.Open "tblCustomer", CurrentProject.Connection,
adOpenDynamic, adLockBatchOptimistic
'Set up loop and assign variables
Do Until .EOF
numCustIDCust = .Fields("CustID")
If numCustIDDups = numCustIDCust Then
Debug.Print strName & " Deleted from
End If
End With
End With

End Sub

I get the proper responses out to the immediate window (<strName>
Deleted from tblCustomer) however a check of the table afterwards
reveals the same number of records.

When I use the delete query (with the query design environment) that
results in the SQL statement:

DELETE tblCustomer.*
FROM tblCustomer INNER JOIN temptblCustDups ON tblCustomer.CustID =

I get an error message stating: "Could not delete from specified
What am I doing wrong?

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