Can't open object property




Im not actually new to Visio, but Im new to Visio 2007, so this may be the
issue... :)

Im working on an UML drawing embedded in a MS Presentation document. Some
times (havent figured out what triggers this problem) I cant edit an objects
property. Nothing happens when I double-click og right-click and select
Properties. Closing Visio and MS Presentation does not fix this btw ;)

When this happens, it does not happen to all the objects. I can edit e.g. 10
various objects, but not the rest.

Once I have rebooted the computer, things goes back to normal.

Have any1 experiences anything like this? Or even better, know how to fix it


Barb Way

I think you might be hitting the issue as discussed in this article :
922973 The functionality of a Visio 2007 drawing object does not occur when
you edit the drawing in 2007 Office programs;EN-US;922973

Essentially, you will want to Insert the drawing objects instead of using
Copy/Paste (or Paste-Link) to make sure that it will work properly.

Barb Way
Product Support - Visio
Microsoft Corporation
[This posting is provided "As Is" with no warranties, and confers no


Im not actually new to Visio, but Im new to Visio 2007, so this may be the
issue... :)

Im working on an UML drawing embedded in a MS Presentation document. Some
times (havent figured out what triggers this problem) I cant edit an
property. Nothing happens when I double-click og right-click and select
Properties. Closing Visio and MS Presentation does not fix this btw ;)

When this happens, it does not happen to all the objects. I can edit e.g.
various objects, but not the rest.

Once I have rebooted the computer, things goes back to normal.

Have any1 experiences anything like this? Or even better, know how to fix


Jeffrey Green

I am using objects straight from the shapes in visio 2007. When attempting to access object properties I get no action or any indication that I clicked anything. I am only using Visio 2007 to view diagram. Rebooting doesn't help. Thanks!

barbwa wrote:

RE: Can't open object property

Content-Type: text/plai
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I think you might be hitting the issue as discussed in this article
922973 The functionality of a Visio 2007 drawing object does not occur when
you edit the drawing in 2007 Office program;EN-US;92297

Essentially, you will want to Insert the drawing objects instead of using
Copy/Paste (or Paste-Link) to make sure that it will work properly

Barb Wa
Product Support - Visi
Microsoft Corporatio
[This posting is provided "As Is" with no warranties, and confers no


Im not actually new to Visio, but Im new to Visio 2007, so this may be the
issue... :

Im working on an UML drawing embedded in a MS Presentation document. Some
times (havent figured out what triggers this problem) I cant edit an
property. Nothing happens when I double-click og right-click and select
Properties. Closing Visio and MS Presentation does not fix this btw ;

When this happens, it does not happen to all the objects. I can edit e.g.
various objects, but not the rest

Once I have rebooted the computer, things goes back to normal

Have any1 experiences anything like this? Or even better, know how to fix


Content-Type: text/x-rt
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{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fprq2\fcharset0 MS Sans Serif;}
\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs26 I think you might be hitting the issue as discussed in this article
\par 922973\tab The functionality of a Visio 2007 drawing object does not occur when you edit the drawing in 2007 Office program
\par Essentially, you will want to Insert the drawing objects instead of using Copy/Paste (or Paste-Link) to make sure that it will work properly
\par Barb Wa
\par Product Support - Visi
\par Microsoft Corporatio
\par [This posting is provided "As Is" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
\par \pard\li720 -------------------
\par H
\par Im not actually new to Visio, but Im new to Visio 2007, so this may be the
\par issue... :
\par Im working on an UML drawing embedded in a MS Presentation document. Some
\par times (havent figured out what triggers this problem) I cant edit an objects
\par property. Nothing happens when I double-click og right-click and select
\par Properties. Closing Visio and MS Presentation does not fix this btw ;
\par When this happens, it does not happen to all the objects. I can edit e.g. 10
\par various objects, but not the rest
\par Once I have rebooted the computer, things goes back to normal
\par Have any1 experiences anything like this? Or even better, know how to fix it
\par :
\par Regards
\par Mikke
\par \pard

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