Caption not numbering



I am working in a document with about 30 figures. The
author originally typed the captions manually so I get to
go back and insert the captions properly. Numbering is
enabled. Figures 1-5 numbered correctly. When I get to
figure 6, the caption number displays in the dialog box.
However, the caption in the document does not have the
number. The seq field is not there. There is now a space
where the field was in the dialog box. I can copy and
paste the field and it updates correctly. But this
defeats the purpose of using the auto-numbering in the
captions in the first place. Any suggestions?

Thank you,

Word Heretic

G'day "Lee" <[email protected]>,

SEQ fields are not auto-numbering. You must place the field manually.

Steve Hudson - Word Heretic
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steve from (Email replies require payment)

Lee reckoned:

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