Caylee Anthony Case



Dear Orange County Sheriff's Department,
As you have been keeping an eye on the Caylee Anthony Case, so have
I. From what I have heared the grandmother of Caylee Anthony said she had
put a concret slab in the back of her home. In that case I strongly feel
that you have a look under it. Also they keep saying that Caylee was close
to her home and by that saying you would seem to think that, that's as close
as you could get. Moreover, also the Grandmother said it smeelt like a dead
body in the back of the car then lied and said she didn't say that. Which
the air test also showed a chemical reaction showing that there was a
decomposing body in the back of the car.
Secondly, do to the fact that the baby was not reported missing til
days later also gives a hint that Caylee may have already been decomposed of
by the mother her self. Then, Casey also has not told the truth through out
this whole experience. Lastly, how do you explain the gas cans in the back
of the Anthony's car.

Sincerly, Christine Johnson

Please take a look under the concret slab just
to check and

make sure that isn't where Caylee is.

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