Cell change WB1 -> textbox WB2




I know that the title isn't realy what it should be, but here i go.

I have a little barcode application running for a DYMO 450 label
printer in Excel using forms.
This works fine.

When the utility is started up, I hide the Excel application
(Application.visible= False)

Then we start a second instance of excel and open a certain workbook
(data log).
In this workbook is data placed in several columns, but i'm only
interested in the column having a serial number.

What i've been asked for is if it's possible whenever there's a cell
change in a cell in the data log file that this can be copied to the
label printers textbox.

here a little how it should work.

1- start the label printer utility (Excel = not visible, only the
applications userform
2- start second instance of excel
3- open a data log file
4- when there's a cell change in column A (only at exit of the cell !)
copy this value to the labelprinter utility
5- labelprinter print the label.

note that both run in a separate instance of Excel.

Adding a new selection form to make a choise of what they like to do
is possible (printing from a hand scanner or data from the data log

Can this be done, and how to do it.

Any help apreciated,

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