Change the text in a word textbox object from a C# application


Roberto Lopes


Question about Microsoft word using C#.

I have to find/replace text function (C#) to make changes to a word
document. It works fine for plain text spread through the document, however
when the text is in a textbox, the standard find/replace approach doesn't
reach it.

I found a vba solution, however since I am working in C#, I would like to
find a solution in C#. The word document is in 2007 format and my visual
studio is 2010. I am using .Net Framework 3.5, but if required, I can
consider moving to 4.0.

Here is the code for the find/replace that only works with plain text (not
in word textbox objects):

object Missing = System.Reflection.Missing.Value;
object fileToOpen = (object)@"c:\doc.docx";
object fileToSave = (object)@"c:\doc.docx";

Word.Application app = new Word.ApplicationClass(); Word.Document doc = new

doc = app.Documents.Open(ref fileToOpen,
ref Missing, ref Missing, ref Missing, ref Missing,
ref Missing, ref Missing, ref Missing, ref Missing,
ref Missing, ref Missing, ref Missing, ref Missing,
ref Missing, ref Missing, ref Missing);

object replaceAll = Word.WdReplace.wdReplaceAll;
app.Selection.Find.Text = "MyTextForReplacement";
app.Selection.Find.Replacement.Text = "Found you!";

ref Missing, ref Missing, ref Missing, ref Missing, ref
ref Missing, ref Missing, ref Missing, ref Missing, ref
ref replaceAll, ref Missing, ref Missing, ref Missing,
ref Missing);


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