Charting 2 value axes: "ungroup" not supported?



I want to put 2 series on a chart, one using a left value
axis and the other using a right value axis. Using an
example from:

I get this error:

Error: Object doesn't support this property or
method: 'serDispInc.Ungroup'

I am using OWC 9. Can I use Ungroup? is there another way
to create a chart with different value axes? I have
created left and right axes with the same scales from
numerous examples but I want to use different scales (left
axis -10 to +10, right axis 1500-2500).

Code is below: it is taken directly from the example link.


Set chtNewChart = ChartSpace1.Charts.Add

chtNewChart.Type = chConstants.chChartTypeLineMarkers
chtNewChart.SetData chConstants.chDimSeriesNames,
chConstants.chDataLiteral, asSeriesNames
chtNewChart.SetData chConstants.chDimCategories,
chConstants.chDataLiteral, asCategories

Set serUnitSales = chtNewChart.SeriesCollection(0)

serUnitSales.SetData chConstants.chDimValues,
chConstants.chDataLiteral, aiSeries1

Set serDispInc = chtNewChart.SeriesCollection(1)

serDispInc.SetData chConstants.chDimValues,
chConstants.chDataLiteral, alSeries2

' Ungroup the series.
serDispInc.Ungroup True


I think I found the answer deep in another posting.
Correct me if I'm wrong - it is not possible to create a
chart using OWC 9 that has different scales on left and
right axes but it is possible to do this in the OWC 10 or


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