class module on the global enterprise template: how does it work?



hi all,

I'm tryint to customise the global enterprise templete by inserting
sme vba code (module, class module etc.)

why when start a new project this code is not in the new project?

what I'm doing wrong?

thank you so much



Rod Gill


Firstly I would develop all code in a .mpp file first then copy the finished
code to the Global Enterprise. Buggy code can wreck havoc on a Project
Server installation!!

Secondly, any new object in the Global Enterprise only gets copied to
Project Pro when it's opened, so Close Project then re-open to see any new
object (module, View, Table etc.).


Rod Gill
Microsoft MVP for Project

Author of the only book on Project VBA, see:

Gary L. Chefetz


I want to echo and amplify Rod's cautions about mucking with your VBA code
with e-global open. It is fairly easy to corrupt the Enterprise Global VBA
stream when adding and deleting macros. ALWAYS backup your e-global file
before adding or deleting macros and always follow Rod's advice about
working on macros offline. Limit your exposure in the e-global by opening it
only long enough to copy the file. Most importantly, always SAVE the
e-global file before attempting to CLOSE it after adding a module.

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