Clearing numbers in excel


Kevin W

I'd like to find an easy way to clear
amounts against eachother. For example, I may have a list of about 400
numbers ranging from $1.89 to $2,046,688.21, positive and negative.
Normally, many numbers (2 - 20) will clear against each other (sum up to
zero). I find myself
staring at the screen for hours. Is there a function in excel that will
randomly look for these clearing items? Any VBA possible? The link below
must be old because I cannot access it.


Bernie Deitrick

With 400 numbers, you will have many "solutions" that are not necessarily
true solutions, and it would take supercomputers to list them all. With a
list of 20 or 30, you might get some possible solutions, but not 400.

MS Excel MVP

Kevin W

Very helpful. As Bernie said, there will be many combinations. But running
these for a small set of numbers can work wonders. Thanks!

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