Clip Art Question



In Power Point you can select a "text and clip art presentation". This in
ables you to be able to double click the icon to add clip art to the

My question is.. is it possible to have a button like that on a word
template that the user can double click to open up the clip gallery. If it is
possible does anybody know how.



Hi Brent:

Why not just add the icon to insert clip art to your toolbar? Click on
Tools, Customize and highlight Insert on the left and scroll down on the
right until you see the clip art icon and then drag it to your toolbar. I
hope this was helpful to you.


The problem with that is then everybody has to put the icon on there toolbar.
If I could get one that worked like powerpoint then all they would have to do
is open the template and the icon would be right their


Save your Template with the Drawing Toolbar displayed & each new doc based on
that template will show the bar wherever you had it displayed in the template
file. That bar already has the Insert ClipArt button on it.

HTH |:>)


I understand that I could go that way, but that would have to be a worst case
scenerio. Is their anyway to get it to work like powerpoint, where their is a
icon on the document that they double click and then the clip art gallery
pops up. Once they select the Clip art, it is automatically inserted over the
Icon just like in powerpoint.

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