Cloning an object which contains a collection




another OOP question: I'm implementing a Class which contains a
Collection property. Until now, all properties in my objects would be
either scalars or arrays of a basic type (Long, Double, etc.). But
now, one of them is a Collection. The Collection is used to store
String variables: I'm not trying to do something as perversed as deep
cloning of an object which contains another object which contains
other objects, etc, etc, :) How can I implement the Clone method, to
correctly clone also the Collection property? I guess I'll have to do
something like:

' Class1

Public Function Clone() As Class1
Dim Str As String
Set Clone = New Class1
'code to copy "regular" properties
For Each Str in Me.ErrString 'ErrString is the Collection inside
Clone.ErrString.Add Str
End Sub

Is this the best way? Thnx,

Best Regards


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