cnn.execute problem with dates



I have a form that picks up records from a src tbl & adds a series of dates
based upon the src tbl info into a temporary tbl.

There are two loops - the outer loop moves through each record returned from
the src tbl & the inner loop picks up the from & to date specified in the src
tbl & determines the list of dates to be added to the dest tbl.

The dummy data has two records returned from ther src tbl and the first
record works fine - it picks up the first date & populates the dest tbl with
that date & each successive date in between & the end date (1 day at a time).
However, when it gets to the 2nd record in the src tbl the inner loop for
some reason then adds one month instead of one day to the dest tbl. Ihave
checked the dates calculated with the DateAdd function & it is returning the
correct dates but something must be happening with the INSERT INTO statement
that is executed.

Hope somebody can throw some light on this.

Private Sub cmdShowRecords_Click()
' Code Header inserted by the Procedure Header Add-In
' Form_ztfdlgClientUnavailList.cmdShowRecords_Click
' Purpose: adds records to the table zstblClientUnavailDateList _
according to the data in the tables tblClientUnavail _
and tblClientUnavailDates but limited to the Client _
specified in the Select Client combo box
' Author : Ross Petersen, 09-29-2004
' Notes :
' Parameters
' Returns:
' Revision History
' 09-29-2004 RP:
' End Code Header block

Dim cnn As ADODB.Connection
Dim rsSrc As ADODB.Recordset

Dim strSQL As String
Dim strDelSQL As String
Dim strInsSQL As String

Dim dteToDate As Date
Dim dteCurDate As Date
Dim lngUnavail As Long

Dim strMsg As String
Dim strTitle As String
Dim boolNoRecs As Boolean

On Error GoTo HandleErr

boolNoRecs = False

Set cnn = New ADODB.Connection
Set cnn = CurrentProject.Connection
Set rsSrc = New ADODB.Recordset

'clear out the temporary table
strDelSQL = "DELETE * FROM zstblClientUnavailDateList"

cnn.Execute strDelSQL, adExecuteNoRecords, adCmdText

'SQL to pick up records from the source tbls but limited to the _
Client specified in the combo box
strSQL = "SELECT ClientUnavailDateID, " _
& "tblClientUnavailDates.ClientUnavailID, " _
& "UnavailDateFrom, " _
& "UnavailDateTo, " _
& "tblClientUnavail.ClientID " _
& "FROM tblClientUnavail " _
& "INNER JOIN tblClientUnavailDates " _
& "ON tblClientUnavail.ClientUnavailID =
tblClientUnavailDates.ClientUnavailID " _
& "WHERE tblclientunavail.ClientID = " & Me.cboSelectClient

'open recordset on the src tbls
With rsSrc

.ActiveConnection = cnn
.CursorLocation = adUseServer
.CursorType = adOpenKeyset
.LockType = adLockReadOnly

.Open strSQL, , , , adCmdText

'check to see if there are any records returned, If so, show message
to user & exit
If .RecordCount = 0 Then

strMsg = "Sorry, there are no dates recorded for " &
Me.cboSelectClient.Column(1) & " as being unavailable."
strTitle = "No unavailable dates for " &
Me.cboSelectClient.Column(1) & "."

MsgBox strMsg, vbInformation + vbOKOnly, strTitle
boolNoRecs = True

GoTo ExitHere

End If


'loop through each record that is returned from the src table

'check to see if an entry has been made in the ToDate text box _
that it is not before the src table [UnavailDateFrom] field
If Not IsNull(Me.txtToDate) Then

If CDate(Me.txtToDate) < ![UnavailDateFrom] Then

strMsg = "Sorry, but the first Date that the Client is
unavailable is after the end date you have specified that you wish to see."
strTitle = "Invalid To Date specified."

MsgBox strMsg, vbInformation + vbOKOnly, strTitle
boolNoRecs = True

GoTo ExitHere

End If

End If

lngUnavail = ![ClientUnavailDateID]
'If lngUnavail = 2 Then Stop

'determine To Date
If IsNull(Me.txtToDate) Then

If IsNull(![UnavailDateTo]) Then

dteToDate = DateAdd("m", GetDefaultPopDatePeriod,


dteToDate = ![UnavailDateTo]

End If


If IsNull(![UnavailDateTo]) Then

dteToDate = CDate(Me.txtToDate)


If ![UnavailDateTo] > CDate(Me.txtToDate) Then

dteToDate = Me.txtToDate


dteToDate = ![UnavailDateTo]

End If

End If

End If

dteCurDate = ![UnavailDateFrom]

'start inner loop to populate Dest tbl with successive dates
between & incl the _
from & to dates in src tbls

strInsSQL = "INSERT INTO zstblClientUnavailDateList
(ClientUnavailDateID, StdDate) " _
& "VALUES(" & lngUnavail & ", #" & dteCurDate & "#)"

cnn.Execute strInsSQL, adExecuteNoRecords, adCmdText

dteCurDate = DateAdd("d", 1, dteCurDate)

Loop Until dteCurDate > dteToDate

'move to next record from stc tbls then check if reached EOF

Loop Until .EOF

End With

'show detail section - this includes a subform that is bound to the Dest
Me.Detail.Visible = True


'close object variables & clean up
If Not rsSrc Is Nothing Then

If rsSrc.State <> adStateClosed Then
End If

End If

If Not cnn Is Nothing Then

If cnn.State <> adStateClosed Then
End If

End If

Set rsSrc = Nothing
Set cnn = Nothing

If boolNoRecs = False Then

Me.fsubClientUnavailDateList.Visible = True
Me.fsubClientUnavailDateList.Form.RecordSource = _
" SELECT zstblClientUnavailDateList.* " _
& "FROM zstblClientUnavailDateList " _
& "ORDER BY zstblClientUnavailDateList.StdDate"

End If

Exit Sub

' Error handling block added by Error Handler Add-In. DO NOT EDIT this block
of code.
' Automatic error handler last updated at 09-29-2004 09:29:27
'ErrorHandler:$$D=09-29-2004 'ErrorHandler:$$T=09:29:27
Select Case Err.Number
Case Else
MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description,
vbCritical, "Form_ztfdlgClientUnavailList.cmdShowRecords_Click"
Resume ExitHere

End Select
' End Error handling block.
End Sub

Douglas J. Steele

Where are you (or, more to the point, what date format do you use)?

If your Regional Settings have your Short Date format set to dd/mm/yyyy,
your code isn't going to work properly. When you're using the # delimiters,
Access wants mm/dd/yyyy (although it'll work with any unambiguous format,
such as dd mmm yyyy or yyyy-mm-dd).

Might that be your problem?

Doug Steele, Microsoft Access MVP

(no e-mails, please!)

Ross said:
I have a form that picks up records from a src tbl & adds a series of dates
based upon the src tbl info into a temporary tbl.

There are two loops - the outer loop moves through each record returned from
the src tbl & the inner loop picks up the from & to date specified in the src
tbl & determines the list of dates to be added to the dest tbl.

The dummy data has two records returned from ther src tbl and the first
record works fine - it picks up the first date & populates the dest tbl with
that date & each successive date in between & the end date (1 day at a time).
However, when it gets to the 2nd record in the src tbl the inner loop for
some reason then adds one month instead of one day to the dest tbl. Ihave
checked the dates calculated with the DateAdd function & it is returning the
correct dates but something must be happening with the INSERT INTO statement
that is executed.

Hope somebody can throw some light on this.

Private Sub cmdShowRecords_Click()
' Code Header inserted by the Procedure Header Add-In
' Form_ztfdlgClientUnavailList.cmdShowRecords_Click
' Purpose: adds records to the table zstblClientUnavailDateList _
according to the data in the tables tblClientUnavail _
and tblClientUnavailDates but limited to the Client _
specified in the Select Client combo box
' Author : Ross Petersen, 09-29-2004
' Notes :
' Parameters
' Returns:
' Revision History
' 09-29-2004 RP:
' End Code Header block

Dim cnn As ADODB.Connection
Dim rsSrc As ADODB.Recordset

Dim strSQL As String
Dim strDelSQL As String
Dim strInsSQL As String

Dim dteToDate As Date
Dim dteCurDate As Date
Dim lngUnavail As Long

Dim strMsg As String
Dim strTitle As String
Dim boolNoRecs As Boolean

On Error GoTo HandleErr

boolNoRecs = False

Set cnn = New ADODB.Connection
Set cnn = CurrentProject.Connection
Set rsSrc = New ADODB.Recordset

'clear out the temporary table
strDelSQL = "DELETE * FROM zstblClientUnavailDateList"

cnn.Execute strDelSQL, adExecuteNoRecords, adCmdText

'SQL to pick up records from the source tbls but limited to the _
Client specified in the combo box
strSQL = "SELECT ClientUnavailDateID, " _
& "tblClientUnavailDates.ClientUnavailID, " _
& "UnavailDateFrom, " _
& "UnavailDateTo, " _
& "tblClientUnavail.ClientID " _
& "FROM tblClientUnavail " _
& "INNER JOIN tblClientUnavailDates " _
& "ON tblClientUnavail.ClientUnavailID =
tblClientUnavailDates.ClientUnavailID " _
& "WHERE tblclientunavail.ClientID = " & Me.cboSelectClient

'open recordset on the src tbls
With rsSrc

.ActiveConnection = cnn
.CursorLocation = adUseServer
.CursorType = adOpenKeyset
.LockType = adLockReadOnly

.Open strSQL, , , , adCmdText

'check to see if there are any records returned, If so, show message
to user & exit
If .RecordCount = 0 Then

strMsg = "Sorry, there are no dates recorded for " &
Me.cboSelectClient.Column(1) & " as being unavailable."
strTitle = "No unavailable dates for " &
Me.cboSelectClient.Column(1) & "."

MsgBox strMsg, vbInformation + vbOKOnly, strTitle
boolNoRecs = True

GoTo ExitHere

End If


'loop through each record that is returned from the src table

'check to see if an entry has been made in the ToDate text box _
that it is not before the src table [UnavailDateFrom] field
If Not IsNull(Me.txtToDate) Then

If CDate(Me.txtToDate) < ![UnavailDateFrom] Then

strMsg = "Sorry, but the first Date that the Client is
unavailable is after the end date you have specified that you wish to see."
strTitle = "Invalid To Date specified."

MsgBox strMsg, vbInformation + vbOKOnly, strTitle
boolNoRecs = True

GoTo ExitHere

End If

End If

lngUnavail = ![ClientUnavailDateID]
'If lngUnavail = 2 Then Stop

'determine To Date
If IsNull(Me.txtToDate) Then

If IsNull(![UnavailDateTo]) Then

dteToDate = DateAdd("m", GetDefaultPopDatePeriod,


dteToDate = ![UnavailDateTo]

End If


If IsNull(![UnavailDateTo]) Then

dteToDate = CDate(Me.txtToDate)


If ![UnavailDateTo] > CDate(Me.txtToDate) Then

dteToDate = Me.txtToDate


dteToDate = ![UnavailDateTo]

End If

End If

End If

dteCurDate = ![UnavailDateFrom]

'start inner loop to populate Dest tbl with successive dates
between & incl the _
from & to dates in src tbls

strInsSQL = "INSERT INTO zstblClientUnavailDateList
(ClientUnavailDateID, StdDate) " _
& "VALUES(" & lngUnavail & ", #" & dteCurDate & "#)"

cnn.Execute strInsSQL, adExecuteNoRecords, adCmdText

dteCurDate = DateAdd("d", 1, dteCurDate)

Loop Until dteCurDate > dteToDate

'move to next record from stc tbls then check if reached EOF

Loop Until .EOF

End With

'show detail section - this includes a subform that is bound to the Dest
Me.Detail.Visible = True


'close object variables & clean up
If Not rsSrc Is Nothing Then

If rsSrc.State <> adStateClosed Then
End If

End If

If Not cnn Is Nothing Then

If cnn.State <> adStateClosed Then
End If

End If

Set rsSrc = Nothing
Set cnn = Nothing

If boolNoRecs = False Then

Me.fsubClientUnavailDateList.Visible = True
Me.fsubClientUnavailDateList.Form.RecordSource = _
" SELECT zstblClientUnavailDateList.* " _
& "FROM zstblClientUnavailDateList " _
& "ORDER BY zstblClientUnavailDateList.StdDate"

End If

Exit Sub

' Error handling block added by Error Handler Add-In. DO NOT EDIT this block
of code.
' Automatic error handler last updated at 09-29-2004 09:29:27
'ErrorHandler:$$D=09-29-2004 'ErrorHandler:$$T=09:29:27
Select Case Err.Number
Case Else
MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description,
vbCritical, "Form_ztfdlgClientUnavailList.cmdShowRecords_Click"
Resume ExitHere

End Select
' End Error handling block.
End Sub


Douglas - thanks - I forgot about the need for US date formatting with VBA -
I live in Australia & we use dd/mm/yyyy

Douglas J. Steele said:
Where are you (or, more to the point, what date format do you use)?

If your Regional Settings have your Short Date format set to dd/mm/yyyy,
your code isn't going to work properly. When you're using the # delimiters,
Access wants mm/dd/yyyy (although it'll work with any unambiguous format,
such as dd mmm yyyy or yyyy-mm-dd).

Might that be your problem?

Doug Steele, Microsoft Access MVP

(no e-mails, please!)

Ross said:
I have a form that picks up records from a src tbl & adds a series of dates
based upon the src tbl info into a temporary tbl.

There are two loops - the outer loop moves through each record returned from
the src tbl & the inner loop picks up the from & to date specified in the src
tbl & determines the list of dates to be added to the dest tbl.

The dummy data has two records returned from ther src tbl and the first
record works fine - it picks up the first date & populates the dest tbl with
that date & each successive date in between & the end date (1 day at a time).
However, when it gets to the 2nd record in the src tbl the inner loop for
some reason then adds one month instead of one day to the dest tbl. Ihave
checked the dates calculated with the DateAdd function & it is returning the
correct dates but something must be happening with the INSERT INTO statement
that is executed.

Hope somebody can throw some light on this.

Private Sub cmdShowRecords_Click()
' Code Header inserted by the Procedure Header Add-In
' Form_ztfdlgClientUnavailList.cmdShowRecords_Click
' Purpose: adds records to the table zstblClientUnavailDateList _
according to the data in the tables tblClientUnavail _
and tblClientUnavailDates but limited to the Client _
specified in the Select Client combo box
' Author : Ross Petersen, 09-29-2004
' Notes :
' Parameters
' Returns:
' Revision History
' 09-29-2004 RP:
' End Code Header block

Dim cnn As ADODB.Connection
Dim rsSrc As ADODB.Recordset

Dim strSQL As String
Dim strDelSQL As String
Dim strInsSQL As String

Dim dteToDate As Date
Dim dteCurDate As Date
Dim lngUnavail As Long

Dim strMsg As String
Dim strTitle As String
Dim boolNoRecs As Boolean

On Error GoTo HandleErr

boolNoRecs = False

Set cnn = New ADODB.Connection
Set cnn = CurrentProject.Connection
Set rsSrc = New ADODB.Recordset

'clear out the temporary table
strDelSQL = "DELETE * FROM zstblClientUnavailDateList"

cnn.Execute strDelSQL, adExecuteNoRecords, adCmdText

'SQL to pick up records from the source tbls but limited to the _
Client specified in the combo box
strSQL = "SELECT ClientUnavailDateID, " _
& "tblClientUnavailDates.ClientUnavailID, " _
& "UnavailDateFrom, " _
& "UnavailDateTo, " _
& "tblClientUnavail.ClientID " _
& "FROM tblClientUnavail " _
& "INNER JOIN tblClientUnavailDates " _
& "ON tblClientUnavail.ClientUnavailID =
tblClientUnavailDates.ClientUnavailID " _
& "WHERE tblclientunavail.ClientID = " & Me.cboSelectClient

'open recordset on the src tbls
With rsSrc

.ActiveConnection = cnn
.CursorLocation = adUseServer
.CursorType = adOpenKeyset
.LockType = adLockReadOnly

.Open strSQL, , , , adCmdText

'check to see if there are any records returned, If so, show message
to user & exit
If .RecordCount = 0 Then

strMsg = "Sorry, there are no dates recorded for " &
Me.cboSelectClient.Column(1) & " as being unavailable."
strTitle = "No unavailable dates for " &
Me.cboSelectClient.Column(1) & "."

MsgBox strMsg, vbInformation + vbOKOnly, strTitle
boolNoRecs = True

GoTo ExitHere

End If


'loop through each record that is returned from the src table

'check to see if an entry has been made in the ToDate text box _
that it is not before the src table [UnavailDateFrom] field
If Not IsNull(Me.txtToDate) Then

If CDate(Me.txtToDate) < ![UnavailDateFrom] Then

strMsg = "Sorry, but the first Date that the Client is
unavailable is after the end date you have specified that you wish to see."
strTitle = "Invalid To Date specified."

MsgBox strMsg, vbInformation + vbOKOnly, strTitle
boolNoRecs = True

GoTo ExitHere

End If

End If

lngUnavail = ![ClientUnavailDateID]
'If lngUnavail = 2 Then Stop

'determine To Date
If IsNull(Me.txtToDate) Then

If IsNull(![UnavailDateTo]) Then

dteToDate = DateAdd("m", GetDefaultPopDatePeriod,


dteToDate = ![UnavailDateTo]

End If


If IsNull(![UnavailDateTo]) Then

dteToDate = CDate(Me.txtToDate)


If ![UnavailDateTo] > CDate(Me.txtToDate) Then

dteToDate = Me.txtToDate


dteToDate = ![UnavailDateTo]

End If

End If

End If

dteCurDate = ![UnavailDateFrom]

'start inner loop to populate Dest tbl with successive dates
between & incl the _
from & to dates in src tbls

strInsSQL = "INSERT INTO zstblClientUnavailDateList
(ClientUnavailDateID, StdDate) " _
& "VALUES(" & lngUnavail & ", #" & dteCurDate & "#)"

cnn.Execute strInsSQL, adExecuteNoRecords, adCmdText

dteCurDate = DateAdd("d", 1, dteCurDate)

Loop Until dteCurDate > dteToDate

'move to next record from stc tbls then check if reached EOF

Loop Until .EOF

End With

'show detail section - this includes a subform that is bound to the Dest
Me.Detail.Visible = True


'close object variables & clean up
If Not rsSrc Is Nothing Then

If rsSrc.State <> adStateClosed Then
End If

End If

If Not cnn Is Nothing Then

If cnn.State <> adStateClosed Then
End If

End If

Set rsSrc = Nothing
Set cnn = Nothing

If boolNoRecs = False Then

Me.fsubClientUnavailDateList.Visible = True
Me.fsubClientUnavailDateList.Form.RecordSource = _
" SELECT zstblClientUnavailDateList.* " _
& "FROM zstblClientUnavailDateList " _
& "ORDER BY zstblClientUnavailDateList.StdDate"

End If

Exit Sub

' Error handling block added by Error Handler Add-In. DO NOT EDIT this block
of code.
' Automatic error handler last updated at 09-29-2004 09:29:27
'ErrorHandler:$$D=09-29-2004 'ErrorHandler:$$T=09:29:27
Select Case Err.Number
Case Else
MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description,
vbCritical, "Form_ztfdlgClientUnavailList.cmdShowRecords_Click"
Resume ExitHere

End Select
' End Error handling block.
End Sub

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